[Chicago] ChiPy Monthly Meeting, Thursday 7:00 pm.

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Tue Nov 7 23:32:31 CET 2006

rcriii at ramsdells.net wrote:
>> Carl K wrote:
>> Nice!
>> I was afraid Dabo would be overlooked because of the VFPism.
> Nah.  Dabo is a python app.  The VFP angle is a historical accident.  But
> could we work on Ed about the tabs?

I got him into chicago - you can buy the beer :)

>> Mind if I setup a tripod and point a cam corder at you?  It might get
>> posted on
>> the dabo site (that is down again...).
> Would you be willing to video the whole meeting (Fawad, Brian et al
> willing)?  I'm sure that someone in the group could arrange hosting for
> it.

Sure.  however, I am not sure what if any equipment I will have access to.  A 
semi-pro friend will be shooting Ed, I just pinged him to see what we can do Thurs.


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