[Chicago] meeting time should not vary

Michael Tobis mtobis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 22:34:32 CET 2006


Thanks for your interest in hosting ChiPy!

Turnout is typically between 10 and 30. Our largest meeting had over
50. The host may set requirements for how late people may sign up, so
attendance can be limited that way. In practice I don't think anyone
has been turned away yet at a ChiPy event, and a turnout of less than
30 is to be expected.

There is no legal entity called "ChiPy", only an informal tradition.

As I understand it, in any legal sense any responsibility is shared
between the person hosting the event and the organization that owns
the property. If you are the host, it is your party!

We have managed to pull this together as a sort of movable feast
almost every month for over two years now.

If you and your institution would like to invite Chicago Python
enthusiasts to a meeting from 7 PM to roughly 9 or 10 PM,  on the
second Thursday of a calendar month, you will be reinforcing this
tradition and contributing to the community. It would be very much
appreciated. You will also find that participation in this remarkable
group is very rewarding in many ways.

In my own opinion, the ideal location provides a projector, a screen,
conference table seating for twenty with space around the edges of the
room for overflow,  an accessible internet connection for the speaker
(at least), snacks and soda during the meeting,  reasonable climate
control, and walking distance proximity to good coffee before and good
beer after the meeting.

Usually we don't manage all those features but that's ideal.


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