[Chicago] Pycon 2008

Michael Tobis mtobis at gmail.com
Mon May 1 18:52:00 CEST 2006

Let's do it.

For myself, I expect to be in Chicago or nearby in '08, but almost two
years (presumably we would NOT follow Dallas' lead to have it in
February) is a long time to be predicting. I'm certainly up for
pitching in, though.

Based on the success of the Dallas Marriott effort and the failure of
Loyola to come through last time around, I think we need to face the
fact that PyCon has outgrown the university venue. This means working
with a hotel.

I think the hotels around O'Hare might be a better bet in terms of
bang per buck than the donwntown ones, and they are close enough to
the CTA for an intrepid geek to get there from a friend's apartment, a
hostel, a cheesy motel, etc.

I've been finding calls for "leadership" a bit awkward, but I suppose
once we are talking tens of thousands of dollars or more, someone
needs to be responsible. Does this mean we have to become a real


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