[Chicago] intro[duct]

jake elliott racter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 06:04:07 CEST 2006

hello snakes,

very cool to find a chicago-area python group!

i have just joined this listserv && i thought i would take a moment to
introduce myself.  i am an [artist/programmer] and have been using
python in my work for just a few years now in a very naive capacity. 
however it is now coming up for me as a really fun+quick+elegant
solution to dynamic website development, which is how i make my
rupies, so i am trying to dive in deeper.  at the same time, i am
discovering that i can replace the programming
[languages/systems/environments] that i use in my art very naturally
with python - and it's really opening up new directions.

looking ffwd>> to meeting up with yall.


ps = where do you usually hold meetings?  out in the sub burbs{} or in the city?

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