[Chicago] next chipy meeting?

Michael Tobis mtobis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 22:08:19 CEST 2006

On 3/29/06, Atul Varma <varmaa at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/29/06, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
> > Chad Whitacre wrote:
> > >> Definitely, a presentation would be great.
> > >
> > >
> > > Cool! Thank you. A few questions then:
> > >
> > > - What's the usual format?
> > > - How long of a talk should I plan?
> > > - What level of expertise should I target?
> > > - Would ChiPy be more interested in testing, web programming, or both?
> >
> > Let's bring these questions to the people.  People: respond!
> >
> > Or, uh... usually it's slides, but doing a demo is also good.  There's
> > maybe 15 people at an average meeting (maybe 20ish lately?), and
> > generally everyone has a programming background, but always a handful of
> > people who are new to Python.  We've been starting with a simple
> > presentation (on a stdlib module or something) and then a more advanced
> > presentation.
> >
> > For length, I guess it depends on whether we also have a SCons
> > presentation...?  SCons seems fairly involved, but it depends on what
> > Atul had in mind.
>  Here's my thoughts on the SCons presentation: it seems like a big key to
> any ChiPy presentation is making it interesting for a wide range of
> interests and skill sets.  For SCons, I was thinking of explaining the
> general architecture/philosophy/workflow of the package,
> with a few concrete examples: a simple "Hello World"-style C program and a
> SWIG-ified Python C extension module.  I'd also give a very brief comparison
> of one or two of these SCons examples to their GNU Make equivalents.  No
> experience with C, SWIG, or GNU Make would be assumed, so I'd be explaining
> some things briefly along the way--but I'd mostly be focusing on the general
> concepts behind SCons rather than the nitty-gritty details of exactly how to
> use it (for instance, no coding will be done during the presentation, only
> brief snippets will be shown).
>  So, that's basically what I was thinking.  I should be able to manage a
> 30-minute presentation...  How's that sound?
>  - Atul
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