[Chicago] Looking for a web host

Jason Rexilius jason at hostedlabs.com
Wed Mar 22 16:13:42 CET 2006

Are you looking for mod_python or CGI?  As far as cheap and good I would
say www.omnis.com is a good one.  They have a very nice web interface
and file manager, but also support FTP, WebDAV, and frontpage I think.
They run linux but you can pay extra if you need windows.

Locally I've heard bad things about Fastroot, CherryOne, and Hostway
(although as always take that with a grain of salt).  I've heard good
things about Realnets, ServerCentral, and Tilted.

My company does highly specialized hosting and would likely be outside
the price range you are looking for.

As far as how much to pay, most base packages would fit your needs
unless you expect the site to do _A LOT_ of traffic (or get
slashdotted/digged).  Most base packages with CGI are in the $10-$20/mo

mod_python is a more interesting proposition and I should think a google
search for hosting company and mod_python would narrow it down.

> I am going to need to get a new web domain soon and would like some
> advice from those more knowledgeable about who's good and what makes for
> a good deal, gotcha's to watch out for, etc.  It will probably be pretty
> simple, mostly static content but with some CGI (in Python of course);
> more images than text (it's for a photographer); mail forwarding and sub
> domains are also desired; possible web commerce in the future.
> So, any advice where I should go and what I should expect to pay.
> Looking around I see some places with prices so low I know they can't be
> doing much more than supplying electricity.  Others want to smother you
> in the soft fluffyness of their proprietary web page design software
> (one place I looked at talked about how you get up to four(!) web pages
> with their intro package), others require you to run Windoze and access
> them through some sort of client.  That may be fine for mass market but
> I am looking for something like a basic Apache on Linux package.
> Thanks in advance.
> Phil
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