[Chicago] ChipyChipySprint

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Mon Mar 6 21:07:09 CET 2006

Brian Ray wrote:
> I stopped by the Lincoln Park library and the big conference room is  
> already booked for this day.
> Does anybody have suggestions on any cool places to hold this  
> Sprint?  WIFI, public transit accessibility, and a private room are  
> the only requirements.

I think it would be fine at Imaginary Landscape -- mostly I need to 
check if I'll be able to come (or if one of the other guys here can 
come).  Pluses: food okay, wired networking (we can set up wireless too, 
but wired backup is nice).  Minuses: public transportation isn't great 
(1/2-1 mile walk unless you take the bus, I think).  Not really big 
enough or seperate enough spaces for a class and sprints at the same 
time, unless we expand out into other parts of the office.

With the Django sprint, the biggest concern I see is that people have a 
database set up or somehow available.  I remember spending a lot of 
pointless time trying to get databases set up on laptops at the last 
sprint.  I wonder if this: http://www.tnr.cc/pypg.html (or this: 
http://barryp.org/software/bpgsql) plus a database available over the 
wire would be helpful?  Database access over RPC would also be cool.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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