[Chicago] Fw: Idea: weekly Chicago coding sprints?

rcriii at ramsdells.net rcriii at ramsdells.net
Mon Jun 12 21:44:56 CEST 2006

There is also the coffee shop at Fry's across the street, or one of the
area libraries (not good for early mornings).

Actually I like the early morning idea. It's easier to justify leaving the
house early than getting in late, especially in the summer when the rest
of the family sleeps in.


> On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 11:29:14AM -0500, David Rock wrote:
>> Well, it sounds like it would be our own gig, so we can make up whatever
>> rules we want.
> Sure.  I wasn't certain if the early-early time was actively preferred
> or if it was just an inherited default.
>> If we were to do such a thing, it would benefit the group that lives
>> AND works in the burbs.  That seems to be the niche that's really
>> getting left out.
> Yeah, and the pity is that, just as with the regular meetings, there's
> just too much space out here for any one place to suit - or even to be
> doable - for everyone.  But we're all in this part of space, so...
> <shrug>.  I have had the thought that Axicom has a nice room that seems
> to be readily available after hours, even if Tursdays are untouchable
> for a while. :-)
> --
> Vs lbh pna ernq guvf, lbh'er va ivbyngvba bs
> gur Qvtvgny Zvyyraavhz Pbclevtug Npg.  -- anon.
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