[Chicago] Fw: Idea: weekly Chicago coding sprints?

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Mon Jun 12 00:49:26 CEST 2006

On Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 12:05:13PM -0500, Robert Ramsdell wrote:
> What say you David?  There is a Starbucks not too far from your office.
> If I squint at the map it's on the way to work for me.

I dislike charbuck$, but since I more or less stopped drinking coffee a
little while ago, I suppose that's not a fatal impediment.  That leaves
the time, with something like 6 AM being much too damned early now
(don't have to get up early in the summer) and not early enough during
the school year (when I'm normally out the door about 6:30)...

Do we really have to stick with mornings here?

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