[Chicago] meeting this month

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Sun Jun 4 19:59:42 CEST 2006

On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 12:26:48PM -0500, David Rock wrote:
> * Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> [2006-06-03 21:28]:
> > So, group, where will it be and what will we be doing?
> My daughter's preschool soccer is on Thursday evenings, so that pretty
> much keeps me from attending/hosting :-(

Now I'm glad I didn't post the flippant "my backyard, grilling sausages
and burgers" that came to mind when I first saw Ian's query.  Really,
it would never work - the yard is small, the parking even more

I look on the events of November and December 2000 in my own country,
and I reflect on what a truly science-fictional experience it is
to be living under an authentically illegitimate American government,
born of force and fraud.  -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden (in Starlight 3)

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