[Chicago] I want my PPI [was: autoimp]

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Fri Jul 21 00:13:40 CEST 2006

Jason R Huggins wrote:
>> I totally wanted it to be the Ministry Of Python Packages (MOPP).  That 
>> sounds much more official.
> Add some heavy metal umlauts, and I'd be +1 all over that. :-) (Makes as 
> much sense as "cheeseshop". )
> But seriously, is there any chance that the name "cheeseshop" will ever be 
> changed back to simply "PPI" as in "Python Package Index".
> Should I write a PEP for "PPI"?

*Maybe* you could get it to go back to PyPI, the old name, since that 
name isn't actually entirely gone.  But it'd probably be hard. 
Catalog-SIG would be the place to bring it up.  Or just poke at Richard 
Jones, he originally made the name decision.

Ian Bicking  |  ianb at colorstudy.com  |  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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