[Chicago] Fwd: names (was Re: autoimp)

Ted Pollari tcp at uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 20 23:45:42 CEST 2006

On Jul 20, 2006, at 4:39 PM, Scott Zibble wrote:

> Oh, Ted, I'm sure your wife has a certain charm to her as well.   
> You just have to look harder.
> > Sure, there's charm to it, but I find my old ratty hooded sweatshirt
> > to have a certain charm as well -- my wife, on the other hand  
> doesn't
> > -- and  I have a hunch that d a prospective employer wouldn't  
> find me
> > all that endearing if I made that sweatshirt a staple part of my
> > interview attire.

HAH!  (now to make sure she never ever reads the archives...)


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