[Chicago] autoimp

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Thu Jul 20 21:58:01 CEST 2006

chicago-bounces at python.org wrote on 07/20/2006 02:37:50 PM:
> Just saw this, http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/autoimp/1.0.1
> Anyone using it?

Nope, but on an off-topic, but semi-related note... does anyone else 
*hate* the name "cheeseshop" as much as I do? Really, I don't know why I 
hate the name so much. Maybe 'cause it reminds of all the childish module 
names in the Twisted framework ('twisted.spread.jelly', 
'twisted.spread.banana'). What was wrong calling simply it "Python Package 
Index". The mixed metaphors between python (the snake) and python (the 
British comedy) is kinda annoying... For example, so we now store "eggs" 
in a "cheeseshop"?!

Okay, sorry for the rant. But I needed to get that off my chest.

- Jason

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