[Chicago] PyPy?

Andrew Wilson andrew at humanized.com
Thu Jul 13 16:08:24 CEST 2006

Hey, everyone,

Based on a comment dropped into one of Ian's recent emails to the list, I
thought I'd start this thread and see where it goes.

I've been following, off an on, pypy (http://codespeak.net/*pypy*/) and
stackless python (http://www.stackless.com) recently.  For those who don't
know, PyPy is an attempt to implement a Python interpreter and compiler
using Python as the source language.  Initially, I thought this was just a
cool, fun project, but then I found out that PyPy will not have the Global
Interpreter Lock, and that it will implement the Stackless libraries, and
will in general be wierd and cool.

But Ian dropped a comment about "using PyPy's javascript backend" which made
me think that PyPy is possibly even cooler than I thought.  Ian, what
exactly did you mean by that?  I *think* I caught that PyPy is attempting to
separate the interpreter implementation from the language translation
problem, which implies to me that PyPy could be "compiled" into
Javascript...but at about that point, I get lost.

Just curious,
-- Andrew
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