[Chicago] python intro for 13 yo -- suggestions?

Peter Harkins ph at malaprop.org
Wed Jul 12 18:05:24 CEST 2006

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On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 06:49:33PM -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
> Who was I talking with about HyperTalk with recently?  Someone on the 
> train.

It was me. I'm also in the "HyperTalk was my first language" camp, so
it'll always have a warm place in my heart. I'll always remember when I
had arrays explained to me and I suddenly got them -- that experience is
what hooked me on programming. 

> Anyway, I think mixing Javascript with the browser and the DOM, a
> good/clean Javascript library, and some persistence on the server side
> (implemented in Python or whatever) could be very interesting indeed.

One of the things I'd like about the browser for an introductory
environment is its limited set of primitives, but I see enough problems
in the complexities of the DOM, reloading, content/style bifurcation and
such that I don't agree that it'd be a good environment for beginners.
But I'd be very happy to be proved wrong.

- --
Peter Harkins  -  http://push.cx

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