[Chicago] python intro for 13 yo -- suggestions?

Brian Sobolak brian at planetshwoop.com
Wed Jul 12 16:36:56 CEST 2006

Michael Tobis wrote:
> Well if you have opinions about this be sure to show up on Thursday,
> because this is the sort of thing I'll be talking about. I'm hoping
> more to start up a conversation than to show off.
> Specifically: what's the right architecture for an interactive
> teaching tool? Does it involve the browser? Does it involve multiple
> languages? Which ones? (I'd prefer 100% Python if it's practical, but
> maybe it isn't.)

Possibly relevant to this discussion:  Python arose from the ashes of ABC,
which was, according to Guido, a language used to teach programming to

>From c. 1996:

"It all started with ABC, a wonderful teaching language that I had helped
create in the early eighties. It was an incredibly elegant and powerful
language, aimed at non-professional programmers."


Obviously the days of Guido working in Amsterdam are long past, but I
thought it interesting that the original "itch" he tried to scratch was
education, not a better awk or writing a portable operating system in New

If only Hypercards ran in a browser...


Brian Sobolak

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