[Chicago] Reminder - TechSocial this Thursday in Lincoln Park.

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Wed Jul 5 20:20:38 CEST 2006


When and where: 
Thursday, July 6, 2006 from 6:30 to 10pm at State in Lincoln Park in 
Chicago, Illinois.

"""The inaugural Tech Cocktail will be an evening of fun mingling with 
other technology enthusiasts, VCs, bloggers and entrepreneurs. A few of 
the hottest Chicago startups will be demoing their products. Additionally, 
we will be giving away a few products from Apple. Our hope is that TECH 
cocktail (a quarterly mixer for bloggers, technology enthusiasts, 
entrepreneurs and other business professionals interested in the 
technology arena in Chicago) can help build a better connected Chicago 
tech community by meeting up to share ideas and have some fun."""

- Jason

P.S. TechCoffee #3 will be next Monday, July 10 at Caribou Coffee at Lake 
& La Salle from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. (same time and place as usual.) There 
wasn't a TechCoffee this week with July 3rd being a quazi-official holiday 
for half the city. If want to see some cool Selenium testing Django stuff 
stop on by Caribou next Monday. :-)

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