[Chicago] Outlook Web Access scraper

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Fri Feb 10 16:42:04 CET 2006

On Feb 10, 2006, at 9:21 AM, Robare, Phil wrote:

> Did anyone else miss the traditional "Newbies' Intro to a Standard
> Module"?  I for one did and hope we can get a presenter to  
> volunteer for
> next meeting.  Although Adrian sort-of presented urllib.

Phil makes a good point here.

We should have a n00b intro section at each meeting. Maybe, cover a  
simple module or just a language feature. It can be a flash talk but  
we should make this effort for those  (like me) who may get lost in  
some of the more complicated presentations or have short attention  
spa--what was I typing, nevermind.

It was a great meeting with a good turnout of around 30. Anyway  
thanks Ian and Adrian for presenting! Thanks ThoughtWorks for room  
and board. Thanks O'Reilly for the books. Thanks Chris for leading  
and for NOT wearing that hideous mascot outfit. And thanks to all of  
ChiPy for being laid back.

I encourage those who said they did not work with Python to take a  
closer look, it's a wonderful language for various levels of programers.

-- Brian

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