[Chicago] Coffee meetup before tonight's meeting

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 20:24:59 CET 2006

I'm not sure I can be there pre-meeting, but I have been to that
coffee shop several times, and vouch for it being nice.  I used to
work across the street.  They server Intelligentisia coffee, which is
my brand of choice.


On 2/9/06, Peter Harkins <ph at malaprop.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi, All.
> For those of who work in/near the loop, two hours is way more than
> enough time to commute to this evening's meeting. So I'm arranging a
> social meetup to commence around 5:15 PM at a nearby coffeeshop. About
> two blocks from the meeting the Presidential Towers (555 W Madison;
> Madison and Clinton) hold Bean Addiction Cafe. It is NOT visible from
> the street but is publicly accessable. An online review indicated that
> it has free wifi and snacks/desserts in addition to the usual caffinated
> drinks.
> I'll arrive around 5:15, and be wearing a green shirt and glasses, and (if
> you're the second person to get there) reading a large book. Hope to see
> you there. (No chipmunk costumes necessary.)
> - --
> Peter Harkins    -    ph at malaprop.org    -    http://malaprop.org
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