[Chicago] Thursday! - decision on hosting at ThoughtWorks?

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Feb 7 00:27:46 CET 2006

Ted Pollari wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Chris McAvoy wrote:
>>Real men don't rock-paper-scissors...real men solve problems with  
> I feel compelled to remind you that rock-paper-scissors is performed  
> by using one's fist ;-) --
> thus, by logic, 

at this point in your argument a real man would interupt you with a 
roundhouse kick to the head!

you can reason the following... real men don't use
> their fists and real men do use their fists  (equivalent to a & -a)  
> whereby we must conclude that, because of that logical contradiction,  
> no real men exist.
> um, yeah, I needed a break from work...
> -ted

using-chuck-norris-as-a-model-man'ly y'rs,

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