[Chicago] Thursday!

Peter Fein pfein at pobox.com
Mon Feb 6 21:58:12 CET 2006

David Rock wrote:
> * Adrian Holovaty <chipy at holovaty.com> [2006-02-06 10:41]:
>> Michael Tobis wrote:
>>> Topics? PyCon dry runs? Module of the month?
>> I recently wrote a Python screen scraper for Microsoft Outlook Web Access that 
>> downloads messages and acts as a POP proxy so I can use my own e-mail client 
>> instead of the godawful Outlook Web interface. I'd be happy to spend some 
>> time explaining that, maybe going over how the reverse engineering/scraping 
>> worked.
> oohhhh.... neat!

+1 screenscraping generally

I use pyparsing.  It works pretty well, but would be curious as to what
else folks use.

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