[Chicago] Thursday!

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Mon Feb 6 18:11:17 CET 2006

chicago-bounces at python.org wrote on 02/06/2006 10:28:04 AM:
> Suggest we stick with the prior Thoughtworks decision if Jason
> confirms soon. Jason?

Hi, all,

I'm still hoping/happy to host it this month... I'll check with our 
facilities folks today to make sure everything is still copacetic.


P.S. Regarding topics...  Among all the hoopla generated by Guido's blog 
postings last week, he suggested a web framework shoot-out. (Ugh. Web 
frameworks. Groan.) Yes, I know. But for arguments sake, if someone were 
to create a type of "consumer reports" for Python web framework shoppers, 
how would those frameworks be rated and compared in a fair way? Which 
metrics are useful? (lines of code, mailing list traffic, google hits, 
"case studies"?)...  Is there usefulness in discussing this? (Once we get 
that problem solved, we can tackle the *real* problem: the proliferation 
of Python based 3d frameworks-- How are all those poor Python developers 
ever going to find the time to evaluate a framework before building their 
winning pygame.org entry?!)

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