[Chicago] April meeting - "In a world.... where machines clean the floors..."

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Wed Apr 5 01:02:14 CEST 2006

Ian Bicking wrote on 03/30/2006 03:10:22 PM:
> This brings to mind a distopian playground future, where we have to find 

> a way to live our lives only from the second floor or higher.  Don't 
> touch the carpet, or the roombas will eat you.

Why do I get the feeling that right now, somewhere in Hollywood, there is 
a team of Warner Bros. writers cranking out a screenplay for this very 
idea. :-)

And if there isn't, though... there should be... :-) 

Perhaps you should bang out a quick short story on the subject before 
anyone else does so you can earn a cut of the royalties from the future 
release of the Schwarzenegger epic "Roomba 2: Cleaning Day"


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