[Chicago] They're doing it again...

Jason R Huggins JRHuggins at thoughtworks.COM
Tue Oct 11 17:59:08 CEST 2005

Brian Ray wrote on 10/11/2005 10:35:05 AM:
> My one complaint about the Python wiki is I feel some are 
> afraid to go into real depth on their own topics--seeing this a 
> selfish or that people do not what to hear it.

Perhaps this is a problem with Wikis in general...

I don't know if I'm only one with this phobia... But rarely do I feel 
comfortable editing other people's wiki's because my perception is that a 
wiki's content is supposed to represent "The TRUTH"... many times I have 
opinions on what I think the truth is, but very rarely do I actually know 
"THE TRUTH" *and* am willing to broadcast that to the world as "THE 
TRUTH". Given that handicap, I prefer to add comments to a page (tagged 
with my name at the bottom of the page). Then the authors of THE TRUTH can 
integrate my comments at some later point if it turns out that my comment 
uncovered more TRUTH was not just idle speculation or opinion. The Django 
project (bless them and their TRUTHfulness) enables commenting on most 
anything on the site... With that option, I've added comments all over the 
place. I even like the disclaimer they make:

Taken from http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/overview/
Note: Please only use the comments for questions/critcisms/suggestions on 
the docs; if you experience errors please file a ticket, ask in the IRC 
channel, or post to the django-users list. Comments will be periodically 
reviewed, integrated into the documentation proper, and removed.

So, going back to the off-topic topic... Perhaps the resistance to 
updating the python wiki is a fear of stepping on someone's toes at 
python.org and not wanting to speak for all humans as to what "THE TRUTH" 
is. With a chipy.org wiki page, we can say what "THE TRUTH" is, at least 
as it's been revealed in Chicagoland. But with Chicago being the digital 
nerve center for "Web 2.0" these days, maybe Chicago TRUTH is THE TRUTH?

- Jason
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