[Chicago] wiki

Martin Maney maney at two14.net
Sat Oct 1 02:34:55 CEST 2005

If anyone knows where to find the "revert to earlier, pre-spam, version
of the page" function, there's loads of work for you.  Looks like the
"register and edit, no check at all" was too inviting to at least one
vandal.  :-(

In terms of utility rather than dollars, I can spend "nothing"
(which to a first approximation is the value of a dollar out of my
weekly budget) to get a non-zero chance of completely changing my
life.  Or, in yet other terms, I can just wait for them to send me
the check by mistake, which can't be *that* much less likely than
actually winning [the lottery].  -- David Dyer-Bennet

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