[Chicago] Fwd: O'Reilly looking for UG Podcasts to Feature Online

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 18:41:16 CET 2005

O'Reilly is getting into podcasts.

Chris "forwarding button pusher" McAvoy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
Date: Nov 21, 2005 11:35 AM
Subject: O'Reilly looking for UG Podcasts to Feature Online
To: chris.mcavoy at gmail.com


I wanted to pass along the following news:

Daniel Steinberg has been working on podcasting for O'Reilly and he
called to let me know about two ways in which user group members might
want to get involved. First, if you have your own podcast, let us know
about it and we will link to it and feature your shows from time to time
on our podcasting home page (http://www.oreillynet.com/podcasts). Also,
if you have an interesting speaker coming up, you might want to do an
interview and submit it for inclusion in our magazine show "Distributing
the Future" (http://www.oreillynet.com/future). In any case, if you have
interesting ideas for how you might want to contribute to O'Reilly
podcasting, send Daniel an email at daniel at oreilly.com.

Thanks for your help,

Marsee Henon

1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA   95472
http://ug.oreilly.com/  http://www.oreilly.com

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