[Chicago] guido @ google

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Dec 22 19:34:53 CET 2005

Michael Tobis wrote:
> Google uses Python for the things Python is good for. I would guess
> they use C for the heavy lifting. I have at least once received a web
> form from Google with a ".py" extension though.
> I would guess that the per-client work is often done in Python and the
> heavy-lifting server processes are in something else, mostly C or C++
> most likely.

They use C++ and Python with SWIG, and Java for some of the backend 
accounting stuff.  As far as I've heard, they don't use much of anything 
else.  Well, Javascript and XSLT and other stuff like that, but that 
doesn't count, right?  I've heard they are starting to use MySQL, but 
only somewhat experimentally.  The use of C++ seems to be primarily for 
speed, and they frequently port Python code to C++ and create SWIG 
wrappings, so the two languages are more complimentary than competitors.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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