[Chicago] snakes and rubies and chipmunks

Jason Gessner jason at multiply.org
Mon Dec 5 23:58:25 CET 2005

On Dec 5, 2005, at 4:37 PM, Jason R Huggins wrote:

>> Is a streamed record going to be available?
> There were lots of "official" video cameras at the event. I believe  
> either
> the snakesandrubies.com site or djangoproject.com will have links  
> to the
> video and audio when they become available.

as part of the AV squad i can assure you that we will have something  
up soon.  :)  I would imagine audio going up before video, but we  
have enough material to release most of the afternoon.  We may even  
edit out the projector mishaps.  ;)

-jason gessner
    jason at multiply.org
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