[Chennaipy] CFP for PyCon India 2023 is Open - Try pitch your ideas and learnings

Rengaraj D sakthirengaraj at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 02:06:38 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone,

As you might already know, PyCon India is making a return to an in-person
format this year in Hyderabad! 🎈 The conference will take place from 29th
September to 2nd October 2023, and it's the first offline PyCon India after
the COVID-19 pandemic. We are very excited to meet and connect with fellow
Python enthusiasts face-to-face! We are sharing important information for
your reference, please take a look.

🎤 *Call for Proposals (CFP)*: Have something insightful to share with the
Python community? Our CFP is open until 5th August 2023. Don't miss this
chance to contribute to the conference: Submit Your Proposal

🎟️ *Tickets*: Be a part of this momentous event! Grab your tickets before
they run out: Book Tickets <https://konfhub.com/pyconindia2023#tickets>

💼 *Sponsorships*: This is an excellent opportunity for organizations to
engage with the Python community. Check out our Sponsorship Prospectus for
more details: Sponsorship Prospectus <http://bit.ly/pyconin23-sponsorship>

🔗 *Conference Website*: PyCon India 2023 <https://in.pycon.org/2023>

Let’s celebrate the resilience of our community and the joy of coming
together again. We can't wait to see you in Hyderabad!
Rengaraj D
On behalf of PyCon India
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