[Chennaipy] Fwd: [ILUGC] [Job Posting] GNUKhata team is looking for a maintainer

Shrinivasan T tshrinivasan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 09:33:23 EDT 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Survesh VRL <123survesh at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 1, 2023, 8:31 AM
Subject: [ILUGC] [Job Posting] GNUKhata team is looking for a maintainer
To: <ilugc at freelists.org>

Hi all,
The GNUKhata <https://gnukhata.org/> team is looking for a passionate
developer to join its team as a maintainer. GNUKhata is an open source
accounting software and currently built with Python Pyramid (Backend) and
Vue.js (Frontend).

Job Posting link: https://gnukhata.org/positions/fullstack-developer/

Perks of the job (With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility):
- Full time remote position
- No hard deadlines
- Complete freedom with technical decisions and practices
- A laptop with decent specification to work with

A few disclaimers,
- This is not a traditional job where the candidate will be trained step by
step, so this job will be more suitable for self learners and those who
have experience with reading existing code and building on top of it with
less guidance.
- When it comes to being a maintainer, the job description includes normal
software development work like requirement gathering, R&D, writing
features, fixing bugs, shipping code, documentation, etc. And other than
that the candidate will have to interact with the GNUKhata community,
understand the issues they face with the app and provide solutions.

If this interests you, to find more information about the job, technical
requirements, compensation details and details on how to apply, please
visit the above provided link

Thanks & Regards,
Survesh VRL

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