[Chennaipy] PyCon India 2021: Call For Proposals

Chandan Kumar raukadah at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 13:19:04 EST 2021

Hi everyone,

We have recently announced that PyCon India 2021[1] will be taking
place virtually[2].

The dates for PyCon India 2021 as such will be September 17-20.
There will be 4 parallel tracks in 2 consecutive days of the conference.

Workshops will be on September 17th and the conference on September
18th and 19th. All of which will be online.

With that, our call for talk and workshop proposals is open[3] now.
Some important dates regarding CFP:
- We'll be opening the CFP from today, March 05, 2021.
- The last date to submit CFP will be May 7th 2021.
- The final agenda will be published by Last week of July.
- We will also have rehearsal talks to prepare speakers and content for
this online format, details of which will be discussed later and announced

You can read more about the CFP from our CFP announcement blog[4].

If you've any doubts or thoughts regarding the above, please feel free to
respond here or reach out to any of us on [Zulip][5] #2021/discussion

We look forward to all your support in making this year's PyCon India
a grand success.

[1]: https://in.pycon.org/2021/
[2]: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/pycon-india-announcement.html
[3]: https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2021/proposals
[4]: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/cfp-announcement.html
[5]: https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/275447-2021.2Fdiscussion


Chandan Kumar

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