[Chennaipy] Rebooting Papers We Love - Chennai

Arvind Nedumaran arvindamirtaa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 14:23:38 EST 2020

Hello everyone!

In an attempt to revive the Chennai chapter of Papers We Love, we’re 
planning to organise a meetup after a long time on the 21st (Saturday) 
of this month from 6PM to 7PM. The meetup is free to attend and everyone 
regardless of background is welcome to attend.

For those unfamiliar with PWL, they’re a group of meetups where people 
interested in various topics of CS get together and discuss an academic 
paper each month. If you’re planning to do your masters, interested in 
exploring the academic side of things, or even just expanding your own 
understanding on a broad spectrum of topics, this is a great place to do 

The format is very relaxed too:
* A paper is announced around 2 weeks before the meetup. We’ll have a 
poll from the next week onwards to pick the paper.
* Make an attempt to read the paper but it’s okay if you don’t 
understand it fully or have questions.
* On the day of the meetup, one of the participants will present the 
paper, explaining various topics and such.
* After that, we’ll discuss the various aspects of the paper, the 
techniques used, the conclusion, etc.
* You’re free to contribute or just observe and learn. No pressure 
either way.

The details of the upcoming meetup:-

Date: 21st November 2020 (Saturday)
Venue: Zoom (RSVP here)
Paper: Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures by Leo Breiman.
RSVP link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/126457119649/ (Please register, 
this is where I’ll send the meetup link).
Link to the paper (summary & link to full text) : 

Look forward to seeing you in the meetup. Feel free to reply here or 
email me directly with any questions.


Arvind Nedumaran
arvindamirtaa at gmail.com

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