[Chennaipy] [XPOST] PyCon India 2020 CFP Closes in 05 Days

ABHISHEK MISHRA abhi.mishra922 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 07:18:11 EDT 2020

> Dear sir,
> Thank u for ur notifications. I have registered for one talk and one workshop in PyCon India.
> Talk: https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/digital-signal-processing-using-google-colaboratory~dGPKe/
> Workshop: https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/hands-on-workshop-training-in-opencv-python-based-image-and-video-processing-using-google-colaboratory~b4p7b/

Hi Rajarathanam,

Thanks for submitting the talk and workshop, we appreciate that.
If you would like to get feedback on your proposal, then you can join
Zulipchat stream [1],
we have a dedicated mentorship team to help speakers with their proposal.

Thank you for supporting PyCon India.

[1]: https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/#streams/245487/wg.2Fmentorship

Abhishek Mishra
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