[Chennaipy] [X-POST]HydPy April 2020 Online Meetup

Ravi Teja CMS python at rtcms.ga
Wed Apr 1 03:07:22 EDT 2020

Hi Everyone,

We are glad to inform you all, the next meetup from Hyderabad Python
User Group[1] is scheduled for 7th April 2020(Tuesday). Please check
the detailed agenda on meetup link[2] and do RSVP.

Topic - How pip works internally - by Pradyun Gedam[3]
Location -  Online via GoToWebinar[4]

In case you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out
to us at our Telegram group[5] or Email us at [6] our mailing list.

Please help spread the word and do follow us on social media[7][8][9]
to get more frequent updates.

[1] - https://www.meetup.com/HydPyGroup
[2] - https://www.meetup.com/HydPyGroup/events/269498071/
[3] - https://pradyunsg.me/
[4] - http://bit.ly/7thAprilMeetUp
[5] - http://bit.ly/join-hydpy
[6] - hydpy at python.org
[7] - https://www.facebook.com/HydPy/
[8] - https://twitter.com/hydPython
[9] - https://www.linkedin.com/company/hyderabad-python-user-group/

Ravi Teja CMS
On Behalf of Team HydPy.

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