[Chennaipy] Introducing PyJaipur Community

Aakanksha Jain aakanksha.jain8 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 13:55:43 EDT 2018

Greetings from PyJaipur,

I am *Aakanksha Jain*, mailing you on the behalf of the PyJaipur Community
<https://www.meetup.com/PyJaipur/>, we organise monthly meetups in Jaipur.

PyJaipur is a non-for-profit official Local Python User Group
<https://wiki.python.org/moin/PyJaipur> / Community for Jaipur Developers.
Our community consists of Students, IT professionals, Software Developers,
and Entrepreneurs. We aim to promote Python and FOSS (Free and Open Source
Software) in Jaipur and nearby region. We have been able to connect with
over 750 members on our Meetup page, which is growing significantly every
day. We aim to provide a great platform to exchange ideas and knowledge.

It would be a great privilege for us to connect with Chennaipy.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Kindly reach out to us through the mentioned platforms or emails listed at
the end of this mail. Looking forward to hearing from you and we will love
to grow with you.

Pratul Kumar: pratulkumar1997 at gmail.com (8107525493)
Shivank Gautam: shivankgautam98 at gmail.com (9166945880)
Core Team Members: http://bit.ly/2Dyg6Oo

If you haven't joined PyJaipur community on other platforms please join us
there as well to get diverse resources from all platforms, also it would
grateful if you share in your network about us:


   Meetup: meetup.com/pyjaipur

   Telegram: https://bit.ly/2HTC1ws

   Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pyjaipur

   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PyJaipur

   Twitter: https://twitter.com/pyjaipur

   GitHub: https://github.com/pyjaipur/

   Mailing list:
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