[Chennaipy] Minutes of April Meet up

Vivek Kailasnath v.kailasnath at gmail.com
Sat May 26 07:18:43 EDT 2018

My apologies for the delay.

Minutes for python meetup

1) Introduction by Vijay

- reiterated for newcomers on the purpose of the meetup

- networking

- learning etc etc etc

2) Talk#1

by Srini and Nitya Sandhi Checker for Tamil

Talk was in tamil - spell checking in Tamil.

Speaker went through a couple of sample data points with images to
illustrate the problem we were solving.

e.g “ik”, “iv” , “ith” etc addition completely changes the meeting

Syllables in tamil -ka sa ta tha pa ra- some basic rules to check using
open tamil library.

The solution  seems to address only cases where adding the syllable changes
the meaning completely.

Requires  some understanding of tamil grammar is required to appreciate the
solution and understanding of unicode characters for tamil

Otherwise seems to be some basic string formatting - split and

We dived right into the code which showed the different rules that were
being considered....

This code is one of the components tamilpesu.us

3) Talk#2

by Naren  - Demystifying Magic Methods

Software consultant @ Tarka Labs

Started with what are magic methods

a) predefined methods for all classes - like __init__ - constructor??

b) eg len() min() max() are magic methods????

How are they implemented

a) eg + operator is a magic method __add__ that is part of every class

'a' + 'b' = 'ab'

is the same as

'a'__add__('b')  = 'ab'

this means you can implement your own __add__ method for your class and the
+ operator will automatically call it when used in conjunction with your

b) e.g 2 transactions - len function , sum function etc

c) __repr__ and __str__ implementation of a class  - str is called  the
print statement? repr is like len(list)

d) __getitem__ makes an object iterable

e) __gt__ and __lt__ implement greater than and lesser than

h) __call__ allows us to make the object callable

i) more than 50 magic methods available in python  - allows you to make
your code pythonic?

j) Caution - over use of magic methods will create very complex - unreadable


4) Talk#3

by Vijay, Human Learning with Machines - educativ.

Problems with human learning

# memory?

rote does not help understanding

e.g salt experiment in chemistry labs

chemistry lab experiment simulator -

creating games to make learning easy and fun

current android apps and

closed source

require access to camera etc


distracting ads

Open Source learning frameworks

eudActive8 -  used pygame

- puzzles etc for learning

- extensible allows you to add your own game by programming in python

- e.g game developed sorting words alphabetically (dived into code)

- some pointers

Board extends board game

Create a grid - boxes

create game objects - all the buttons in the various toolbars

Ship is an object that creates a gui icon that can be moved around the
board 1

Doors is an object that creates a gui icon which is a goal position- where
the draggable object must reside finally

Obstacle is an object that creates a gui icon which creates an obstacle on
the board

5) Lightning Talks

#1 Sam - chatops - getting information from a server via chatting to a bot.

use cases

help dev teams to run commands on other servers and stream the output

e.g. erbot server can have ssh logins to your production server and we can
ask over chat to run some commands and send the output back to us

get documentation

#2 Srinivasan - call for collaboration

Requirement for publishers - translation

creating a portal - marketplace for translators and publishers

6) Vote of Thanks

Akshara School for giving us the space

7) A brief talk on the conference
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