[Chennaipy] Talk for next meetup

Gaurav Sehrawat igauravsehrawat at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 13:48:14 EDT 2017

Hi organizers,

I would like to give a talk at next meetup which is based on this[0] github

Title: Writing CLI and coding up social media bots.

Description: CLI part will deal with interactive CLI using prompt toolkit,
spinners and colorful text. Social media bots will be dealing with Twitter
and Facebook. For eg. chatting with bots for predefined tasks,
announcements by bots when meetup event is nearing up, like/retweet based
on sentiment analysis etc. Focus will be to provide utilities which can be
used by ChennaiPy and others.

I also would like to request a lightning talk slot where I will give full
demo on the utilities.

[0]: https://github.com/igauravsehrawat/meetup-utilities

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