[Chennaipy] [Discussion] About scope of programming languages in Chennai's IT industry

Shrayas rajagopal shrayasr at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 07:31:54 EDT 2017

Hi Subil,

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Subil A <subil1407 at gmail.com> wrote:

> A friend of mine in college from the ECE department told me he was
> considering joining a Java course and asked me if there was scope for the
> language. I didn't know how to answer that as I'm a clueless college
> student myself. Java was once the best thing since sliced bread but is it
> still the same?
​Java still is relevant in this time. The JVM is an *insanely* robust
virtual machine that is very performant. Its ability to do `java -jar
<jar>` stands unrivaled​.

A prime area where Java stands tall is Android development. I'm sure we all
know that the future is moving towards everything on the mobile -- and
Android is leading the rat race to get there. Kotlin is making a foray into
this area, sure; but Java is still the leader.

Another thing to not forget is the ecosystem around this language. The java
ecosystem is extremely mature with a large number of libraries. Be it
embedded systems, web development or machine learning you can rest assured
that Java has you covered.

So my answer is: YES. It is very much the same and I don't see it fading
out anytime soon.

> So, fellow pythonistas in the industry, my question is:
> Which languages/technologies, in your opinion, has scope in Chennai's IT
> industry today? And in what niches (like embedded, medical and so on)?
- Web development:
  - Backends: Python, Ruby, Javascript, Java, C#
  - Frontend: Javascript (with Angular, React et al)
- Data Sciences:
  - Python, Python, Python


I look forward to everyone else's input too.

Great question, Subil!

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