[Chennaipy] How to compile a Pygame script into one single standalone EXE file

Tasdik Rahman prodicus at outlook.com
Tue Apr 25 02:05:27 EDT 2017

Hey Gautam,

As Vijay pointed out to a relevant SO thread, as an example I would point you to a game that I wrote some time back.

I have used

  *   pyinstaller for Linux based systems and
  *   cx_freeze for Windows based systems

for creating executables for my game.

Here is the GitHub link to the game in question https://github.com/prodicus/spaceShooter/blob/master/BUILDING_EXECUTABLE.rst

Tasdik Rahman

On 25-Apr-2017, at 10:55 AM, Vijay Kumar B. <vijaykumar at zilogic.com<mailto:vijaykumar at zilogic.com>> wrote:

On Tuesday 25 April 2017 10:48 AM, Gautam Ramuvel wrote:
Good Morning all!

I have developed a simple 2D Game using Pygame module. But now I wish to have that game as a EXE file so that I can share it among my friends.

Please help me out.

There are multiple solutions for that pyinstaller, py2exe. Check this StackOverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/q/28033003/1295013


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