[Chennaipy] [OT][ANN] Ruby-Elixir Joint meetup | 9th Jan | Thoughtworks

Abhishek Yadav zerothabhishek at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 10:57:12 EST 2016

Hello friends,

The Chennai Ruby user group is having a meet-up on this Saturday, the 9th
at 2 in the afternoon. The venue is the Thoughtworks office.

This time we are having a joint Elixir-Ruby meet-up. While the groups have
many common members, the topics of discussion will range widely over the
two technologies. This is an interesting experiment, and I hope it turns
out as exciting as it sounds.

So please plan to join us, here's the RSVP:

Also, *please tell your women colleagues/friends know about it*. We have
had very few ladies at the meet-ups lately, and that is not good. As a
vibrant community we must have healthy gender diversity. We are a safe and
friendly group, I can assure you of that.

Thanks and regards,
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