[Chennaipy] Query regarding the pool

JakkampudiKiranKumar at Eaton.com JakkampudiKiranKumar at Eaton.com
Wed Dec 16 09:45:41 EST 2015

Can you suggest package index used to connect like this pool.Pool(lambda: get function, dbname = “test”) in pooling?

From: Chennaipy [mailto:chennaipy-bounces+jakkampudikirankumar=eaton.com at python.org] On Behalf Of kracekumar ramaraju
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 7:55 PM
To: Chennai Python User Group Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Chennaipy] Query regarding the pool

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 2:37 PM, <JakkampudiKiranKumar at eaton.com<mailto:JakkampudiKiranKumar at eaton.com>> wrote:


I am using the wx python,Mysqldb,odbc connector.

Is there any python package which individually imports pool.

Script is as follows

Import pool
db_connection_pool = pool.Pool(lambda:db.open_connection(db=dbtouse))

I am trying to build the code but the application is not triggering the database and the application is leaving a traceback attribute error: module object has no attribute ‘Pool’

Can any one suggest me how to resolve the issue crept in my python application?

SQLAlchemy comes with Connection pool [0]. Did you try it ? Any specific reason for separate library ?

[0]: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/pooling.html


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