[Chennaipy] [OT] Data Science Conclave - 2015

Adithya Narayanan Adithya.narayanan at aaumanalytics.com
Fri Dec 19 06:49:06 CET 2014



Hope you are doing good.  Aaum, IIT Madras established company organizes Data Science Conclave on 20th & 21st Feb, 2015. Aaum Founded by IIT Madras alumnus brings in extensive global business experience working with Fortune 100 companies in North America & Asia Pacific.  The firm is conducting an unique Data Science Conclave – 20th & 21st Feb, 2015. The primary goal of the Conclave is “Learn, Adopt & Contribute Data Science to fit the Dynamic Industry Requirements” 


This event is designed exclusively for business professionals, techies & students to learn, develop and deploy data science in their organization. This conclave connects you to subject matter experts, domain experts, industry speakers and thought leaders. The Conclave focuses on Data Science practices like advanced analytics, NOSQL, and Cloud for big data, predictive analysis. This is an amazing opportunity which will help the attendees gain a good understanding of the various data science practices. 


We strongly urge you to attend and get benefited from this conclave. More information available at Data Science Conclave - 2015 <http://aaumanalytics.com/DSCONCLAVE-2015> 


We do have early bird / corporate discounts. We have created exclusive discounts for the meet up groups. Make your registrations here <https://in.explara.com/e/data-science-conclave--2015>  where you can avail special 10% discount using the coupon code - MG. 


Looking forward to seeing you all on the 20th & 21st Feb, 2015. Together let us “Learn, Adopt & Contribute Data Science to fit the Dynamic Industry Requirements”!


Have a nice day.



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 High Road, Chennai - 34

Thanks and Regards,
Adithya Narayanan.S 
Marketing Team
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Email  <mailto:Adithya.narayanan at aaumanalytics.com> Adithya.narayanan at aaumanalytics.com | Skype adithyanarayanan | LinkedIn  <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=72846077&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile> Profile
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