[CentralOH] A couple of interesting items for Python in December

Damien Calloway damiencalloway at fastmail.com
Thu Dec 2 19:51:43 EST 2021


I thought I would share two interesting things

https://adventofcode.com - this is a good way to get some small coding execrises in - this runs daily through the month of December. There are many groups in many programming langages, including Python, that will participate in this event. Good to get coding practice in.

https://pynet.twb-tech.com/free-python-course.html - this is an eight week course that starts December 7. It does have a focus on networking, and of note is that Cisco networking equipment now uses Python for scripting and automating their equipment. 

Ansible is also a big Python related tool used in systems administration - useful to look into. 

- Damien
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