[CentralOH] DoJo meeting now -- Please join us!

Travis Risner deeptinker at fastmail.com
Thu Sep 3 18:15:24 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

The DoJo meets every Thursday online starting at 6:00 pm. Whether you 
are brand new to Python or have many years of experience, you are 

DoJos are informal Python meetings. Join us at any time during the 
meeting and bring your Python questions and problems. DoJos are like 
group study sessions. Digressions from Python are common. All are 
welcome to the DoJos. On occasion we have presentations about Python 

For the duration of the social distancing, we will meet online.  We seem 
to have better success with __Zoom__ for folks who have less than 
abundant bandwidth.

This DoJo's link is 

Meeting ID: 851 5698 1846
Passcode: 445639


Travis Risner

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