[CentralOH] Call for Proposals for workshops PyCon India 2020

Abaid Isaac abaidisaacn at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 10:23:52 EDT 2020

Hi all,

PyCon India 2020 is going online this year. We are now accepting Proposals
for Workshops. Workshops are an important part of the PyCon India. Hands on
learning is as important as talks for a fulfilling conference experience.

Workshops will take place on 4th October, 2020. They run for a duration of
2.5 hrs plus a break in between. Any topic of interest to the Python
community is okay - the workshop should help attendees learn a new skill,
technology or library.

CFP for Workshop closes on 31st August, 2020. They will follow the same
review process as that of Talks.

To know about Best practices please check the Workshop Proposal
Announcement blog post :

View other proposals and submit yours :

Follow the PyCon India Website :

Zulip domain : pyconindia.zulipchat.com

and Twitter Handle @pyconindia for more updates.

Abaid Isaac
On behalf of PyCon India 2020 team
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