[CentralOH] Regex Testers

Greg Back greg at gregback.net
Sat Feb 29 22:50:16 EST 2020

Great list, Travis. Thanks for putting this together.

This is another resource I find useful for showing examples and 
documentation, but not actually testing the expressions (so more of a 
"cheat sheet" in the context of your groupings below:


- Greg

On 1/28/20 6:28 PM, Travis Risner wrote:
> Hi,
> At last night’s monthly COhPy meeting I showed a number of regex 
> testing web sites that I have stumbled across. Here is a list of them 
> followed by IDE based testers, standalone testers, a list of “cheat 
> sheet” sites and the formal Python documentation.
>         Web Based Regular Expression Testers
>  *
>     https://pythex.org/
>       o This is the one that Eric Floehr showed us.
>       o Appears to be match only.
>       o Includes cheat sheet style hints below the testing area.
>  *
>     http://www.pyregex.com/
>       o Can test match, findall, and search Python regexes.
>       o This one has a handy cheat sheet below.
>  *
>     https://www.debuggex.com/
>       o Appears to be match only.
>       o Change the dropdown on the left (part way down) to make it
>         Python oriented.
>       o Includes a link to a cheat sheet.
>       o If you sign in, it has a library of example matches for SSN’s,
>         ISBN’s, Credit Cards, etc.
>  *
>     https://regex101.com/
>       o Need to select Python on the left or set in settings.
>       o Appears to be match only.
>       o Has sample expressions submitted by others.
>       o Has a quiz option.
>  *
>     http://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/python/index.html
>       o Appears to provide match and replace options.
>       o Has a cookbook of hundreds of examples, but you have to sign
>         in first to see them.
>  *
>     https://regexr.com/
>       o Has options for Javascript and PCRE only - no Python.
>       o Has both match and replace options.
>       o Provides an explanation for each element of the regex syntax
>         when you hover over the element.
>       o Has option to explain all elements of the regex pattern.
>  *
>     https://rubular.com/
>     This is ruby oriented and is not Python-specific.
>     This site inspired several of the sites above.
>         IDE Based Regular Expression Testers
>  *
>     PyCharm
>       o Has a plugin available called Regex Tester. Unfortunately it
>         is Java oriented.
>  *
>     PyScripter
>       o Has Python oriented regex feature. However, this IDE can only
>         be installed on Windows.
>  *
>     Other IDE’s may have support for testing regexes, but I do not
>     have any experience with them.
>         Standalone Regular Expression Testers
>  *
>     Expresso (http://www.ultrapico.com/Expresso.htm)
>       o I showed a link to this downloadable program for testing
>         regular expressions. However, it will it only install and run
>         on Windows, and it only uses the .net regular expression engine.
>  *
>     Regex Buddy (https://www.regexbuddy.com/index.html)
>       o This is another program that can test regular expressions
>         without needing the internet. Although it can convert Regexes
>         from one flavor to another (e.g. Javascript to Python), it
>         only runs on Windows — and costs $40 to boot.
>         Cheat Sheets
>  *
>     https://www.dataquest.io/blog/regex-cheatsheet/
>       o Has downloadable PDF cheat sheet as well as regex hints lower
>         down on the page.
>  *
>     https://github.com/tartley/python-regex-cheatsheet/
>       o This is a GitHub repository that will build a PDF cheat sheet.
>  *
>     https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_reg_expressions.htm
>       o More of a list of all regex elements and a description of what
>         each does.
>         Formal Python re library documentation:
> |https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html |
> Notes:
>  *
>     Al Sweigart’s book /Automate the Boring Stuff/, chapter 7, is an
>     excellent tutorial on much of the regex syntax.
>  *
>     The book /The Python 3 Standard Library by Example/ by Doug
>     Hellmann has examples of each regex element and how it can be
>     used. Perhaps you can find it in the library as it is rather
>     expensive.
> HTH,
> Travis
> --
> Travis Risner
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