[CentralOH] Python camp for teens in July

Peter Carswell pcarswell.1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 06:48:15 EST 2020

Hello Jay,

Normally I would very much like to participate. Unfortunately I will be in
Dallas that week giving a workshop. Please include me in any other Python
camps in the future.

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 10:01 AM Jay Shaffstall <jshaffstall at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm running a Python camp for teens who've never programmed before the
> week of July 13th.  Part of the experience is to have people working with
> Python in tech jobs come in and talk to the students.
> We'll have a mix of student demographics, and are looking to have a mix of
> speaker demographics, too.
> If you're interested, feel free to email me privately.  Your obligation
> would be to come in during their lunch time and speak to them for about
> half an hour about what you do, how you got into technology, why you think
> it's cool they're learning Python, etc.  I don't know the exact timing yet.
> We're using two different tools to teach them Python programming.  One is
> PyPhysicsSandbox, a 2D physics simulation toolkit I wrote, and the other is
> Anvil, a framework that makes it easy to write web apps in nothing but
> Python.
> By the end of the camp students have written a multiuser web app.  For
> some of them that'll be little more than a visual prototype, but for others
> it'll be a fully functional version 0.1 of something they can continue
> working on after the camp.
> Jay
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