[CentralOH] Python centered Lunch & Learn

Peter Carswell pcarswell.1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 10:25:05 EST 2020


Thanks for the invite. Would you consider attending our end of the month
COhPy meeting and present your product to our group?


On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 5:34 PM Taylor Britain <taylor.britain at smartdata.net>

> Hello,
> I just wanted to pass on an event that I thought was relevant to the
> Central Ohio Python user group. This is a purely educational (no business
> background) Lunch & learn happening on December 9th around connecting your
> python apps to a SQL server. It would be great if you could post it as an
> event on your Meet Up page, or if you could pass the information on.
> Regardless, just wanted the group to have knowledge of it.
> Hope all is well!
> *A call to all Python aficionado's out there, have you wanted to learn how
> to connect your Python application to a Microsoft SQL Server database? Come
> join Tim Groven of the Smart Data team as we host our next Lunch & Learn on
> December 9th.*
> *Tim will introduce you to SQLAlchemy to show how it can be used for
> simple database access to it’s powerful array of Object-Relational Mapping
> tools. Out Lunch & Learns are purely educational and are free to all
> developers or novices out there looking to occupy there lunch hour with a
> bit of learning. Registration link is below, and we hope to be seeing you
> soon!*
> <https://www.smartdata.net/blog/llevents/python-and-sqlalchemy/>
> *Taylor Britain*
> Business Development Lead
> Set some time for a chat? My Calendar
> <https://calendly.com/taylor-britain>
> c: 630.809.5333
> [image: Smart Data Logo]
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