[CentralOH] Most "Pythonic" way to accomplish this?

Joshua Kramer joskra42.list at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 14:01:03 EST 2019

Hi Max, I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly.  It seems that
the example you provided will test that the function "isMotorTooHot()"
works as intended- a unit test on the function isMotorTooHot. That's
not my intent.  For this particular example, I want to call a function
that will determine if the motor is too hot.  If the motor IS too hot,
I then want to call a function that will check to see if the cooling
valve is open

Unit testing to determine whether or not the various functions
(isMotorTooHot, isCoolingValveOpen, etc) return correct values based
on physical attributes is not within the purview of this specific
example- that will be handled elsewhere.  My goal is to write a
framework that I can use to run arbitrary sets of tests for specific
conditions in the environment, not within a class or other bit of
Python code.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:08 PM Max <kedlav at gmail.com> wrote:
> Generally speaking, it's strongly discouraged to structure tests in this way where you have conditional logic baked into the test.  Instead, you'd want to setup individual tests covering scenarios.
> Base State: Motor running
> Test 1:
> 1.) Call function
> 2.) mock return of temperature below 'too hot'
> 3.) assert that the correct behavior has occurred.
> Test 2:
> 1.) Call function
> 2.) mock return of temperature below 'too hot'
> 3.) assert that the isCoolingValveOpen function was called
> Test 3:
> Unit tests to cover isCoolingValveOpen does what it is supposed to do.
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 12:14 PM Joshua Kramer <joskra42.list at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Zak!  I should clarify that with this particular question, I am
>> not writing tests for code.  For failures, Pytest gives a lot of
>> information about the code, which would not apply in my case.  For
>> example, I might want to run some hardware tests.  The runTest method
>> in myTest1 object might run a function called "isMotorTooHot()", and
>> if that returns true, then the next test in the list would run
>> "isCoolingValveOpen()", etc.  So perhaps we should think of these as
>> "tasks" instead of "tests".
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