[CentralOH] 2018-06-14 道場 Scribbles 落書/惡文? Arnold Ross; Venkat Subramanian presentation; xor presentation

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sun Jul 1 17:18:45 EDT 2018

Arnold Ross
Ross Math program
visit day June 28 at OSU

Dr. Venkat Subramanian
Design Patterns in the Light of Lambda Expessions
2018-08-07 17:30 to 19:30
at The Forge

wp: prefix means Wikipedia
To get good answers, consider following the advice in the links below.

bring USB flash drive with Anaconda for Windows 


need to give similarly stupid presentation on the exclusive or operator:
"This or That but not Both"

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